The 30 Best Freshwater Aquarium Fish. For anyone planning to start their first freshwater aquarium, getting the right fish is crucial for a full, happy & healthy tank. Not all fish are created equal, and the abundance of choices that come with this has confused many people about what kind of fish they can include.
This article will list the 30 most popular freshwater fish aquarium — including descriptions and care instructions — hopefully taking some of the sting out of making such expensive rookie mistakes. If you are a beginner or an experienced aquarium hobbyist, this full e-book could help you with everything you need to set up a freshwater aquarium.
Feel like you can have the color of the ocean right in your home. Freshwater aquariums are a dazzling preview of aquatic ecosystems. They allow you to watch as fish present in the river rush around, displaying flashing colors and moving manners.
Making the perfect finned friends can be a little overwhelming with hundreds of species. And fear not, fellow fish person! Here, I tackle why Livebearers are the perfect fish and some Livebearer aquarium ideas for those who love Livebearer fish. Fighting fish life in the wild & as pets Betta life cycle The complete life of fighting. This series will look at valuable materials, including online articles, scientific papers, and hobbyist platforms, to lead you to establish an underwater garden that teems with life.
What Things Do You Need for a Beginner Aquarium? The 30 Best Freshwater Aquarium Fish
So, we will discuss a few prerequisites when preparing to launch a freshwater aquarium. Primarily, an appropriately sized tank for the fish you want to keep. An alternative to the small tank is a larger tank with more space for your fish. A larger tank is generally easier to maintain and gives the fish a lot of open surroundings in which to swim and stack but also hide when they feel uneasy. Then, you need a sound filtration system to keep the water safe and healthy for fish.
It will also determine the type of substrate, decorations, and plants you should use to achieve the most natural habitat for your fish. So, you should also check your water parameters, as Inverts do not respond well if your levels are out of whack. Lastly, the correct selection of fish also plays a vital role in setting up a new aquarium. Choose rugged species that are low maintenance, able to tolerate a variety of water parameters, and generally compatible with each other. In meeting these fundamental needs, you will ensure your fish’s overall well-being and comfort and that of yourself as the keeper.
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1. Guppy Fish | 30 Best Freshwater Aquarium Fish
The Guppy: Most Known and Ideal for a New. Because they are tiny, lightweight, and actively swimming around, they can be an excellent match for any clean water aquarium. The ones that you can place in the aquarium of a beginner fish enthusiast are extremely resilient. Therefore, I will soon be saying this simply because of guppies. They are also prolific breeders, meaning you could have even more fish than you first intended.
But if you plan on maintaining some of the fries, ensure they have enough hiding places to avoid being snacked upon by other fish in your tank. In any case, many find them to be perfect fish to get started with an aquarium- they can be kept and bred in simplicity, and they are hyperactive creatures that bring much joy into your daily life.
2. Betta Fish
Betta fish: Bettas, or Siamese fighting fish (some of them could be better for a community tank because they may nip the fins of other platys), are another decent option for the betta life cycle for most freshwater tanks. These types of fish are available in many beautiful colors and are not too difficult to maintain. Brightly Vintage Betta fish are one of the hardiest species on this list and can withstand a substantial range of water conditions, ideal for owners new to aquatic pets. These beauties are also known for their long, flowing fins, which look enchanting in a tank.
Just remember, male bettas are aggressive to each other, so they should either be kept in their tanks or with other species that aren’t aggressive. In conclusion, betta fish can be an inexpensive and beautiful way to add new life to your tank. With aquatic horticulture, you must consider the compatibility of each type with one another and the water problems in your container to ensure that your fish tank arrangement succeeds and is delightful for you and your pet dog fish.
3. Neon Tetra
Another perfect aquarium full of Neon Tetras to get your feet wet (pun intended). Belonging to the family Anabantidae, these tiny and colorful fish are also peaceful, which offers little difficulty for most hobbyists. The jewel cichlid’s attractive iridescent blue and red stripes are a vivid addition to any tank. Neon Tetras are also very active and social, often schooling up for a great bundle in the center of the tank, delivering an active yet dynamic presentation in your aquarium.
They are not selective eaters and can do well in many water parameters, requiring little to no maintenance. Nonetheless, you will also need to maintain them in schools of at least 6 fish per school since they are shoaling species that feel more comfortable when surrounded by their kind. Neon Tetras are perfect even for beginners, considering their bright colors, peace-loving nature, and easy-care needs. In all cases, it is essential to consider compatibility between species so that the care of your aquatic pets will not be compromised.
4. Angelfish
Angelfish are one of the favorite types of fish held by many aquarium lovers because they have a unique appearance, and the way they swim is also elegant. With a wide variety of colors, patterns, and fin shapes, these beautiful fish will genuinely enhance the attractiveness of your tank. They are also relatively low maintenance and easy to keep, as they will do well under optimal aquarium conditions. Please keep them in a roomie tank with lots of hiding spots and plants to hide from each other, as Angelfish can be territorial, especially during breeding.
Also, they are omnivorous; therefore, you must provide them with a rich diet of premium quality flakes and pelleted foods for fish, along with different live or frozen foods. From a care and commitment standpoint, the Angelfish is well-suited for intermediate to advanced aquarists looking to benefit from such an attractive showpiece. As always, make sure to do your own research and ask the expert opinions of those in a fish store before adding any new species of fish to your tank for optimal care of your aquatic pets.
5. Discus Fish
Discus Fish are also common among aquarium hobbyists due to their brilliant coloration and disc-shaped body. These fish are ideal for aquarists who have been doing it for a while and want to dial in their husbandry practices with dedicated attention to the specific needs of this rare beauty. As for the care, discus needs stable water conditions with a slightly acidic ph and warm temperature, so good filtration and frequent water testing are definite musts.
They are also susceptible to change, so you must acclimate them slowly to their new tank. On top of that, Discus can be social creatures and should not be kept in single numbers — always maintain at least 5 or 6 specimens available to avoid getting them stressed or fighting. Be sure to give them a large tank with lots of places for hiding and vegetation to match where they are natively from.
Diet: In the wild, Discus primarily are carnivores and need a diet based on meat with lots of protein, like high-quality pellets and frozen or live food. Shortly, despite some of the difficulties associated with Discus care, their beautiful appearance and enjoyable activity are a fantastic benefit to any keeper who can provide a suitable living environment for them. Get advice from an experienced aquarist or professional to determine if you can adequately care for Discus before putting them in your tank.
6. Corydoras Catfish
These make a good pick for the beginner aquarist as they are hardy and peaceful. They are suitable for community tanks and eat leftover food bits and algae in your tank. Corydoras catfish require an aquarium with routinely changed water and a stable diet to manage these diseases. They are schooling fish, so ideally, they should be kept in groups of at least six to ensure they feel secure and act naturally. Ensure they have many hiding options and a soft substrate to recreate their natural habitat.
Corydoras catfish are omnivores and can consume numerous meals, collectively with sinking pellets, live or frozen food, and algae wafers close to feeding. Corydoras catfish are easy to care for and amusing community tank contributors, making them an extraordinary desire for aquarists of all capability degrees. Be sure to check with seasoned aquarists or experts to ensure you can care for Corydoras catfish before adding them to your aquarium.
7. Molly Fish
Mollyfish is among the most popular selections for new and experienced aquarium owners. They are known to be peaceful personalities who adjust very well to a wide range of tank conditions. These guys are also livebearers, meaning that they give birth to their young instead of laying eggs. This can make them an exciting addition to a community tank.
However, it is worth noting that jellyfish can easily overbreed in the aquarium, so you must have a plan for dealing with their numbers should you keep them. Mollyfish are also omnivores — they will eat all the standard betta foods (flake food, pellets) and live or frozen foods. To maintain their health and vibrant appearance, they should be given a diet rich in nutrients. If you provide the molly fish with the right environment, they can become a very adaptable and exciting species in your community tank! Be sure to consult experienced aquarists or professionals before you get molly fish so you will know how best to care for them when adding them to your tank.
8. Swordtail Fish
Swordtail fish are commonly kept in freshwater tanks because of their bright colors and peaceful personalities. Most notably for their sword-like tail, which gives any tank a splash of fishtank color. Swordtail fish – These livebearers will be an excellent addition to the community tank. They are simple to maintain and can easily adjust to different tank conditions, which makes them great for anyone just starting in the hobby. It is worth mentioning, however, that Swordtail fish can be a tad overbred, so have a contingency plan should you wish to keep them. They are omnivorous and consume flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods.
Maintaining a good diet is essential; they need everything in their food for energy and health. Even if they are a somewhat unique case, with some degree of care, swordtail fish can be well stocked in almost any aquarium, so there’s nothing to suggest that you won’t love them: as long as the species is professional and fun to take care of, it will do fine. As a fish aquarist, you must check with someone with experience or even contact a professional to ensure you can meet the requirements to avoid causing injuries.
9. Platy Fish
One type of freshwater aquarium fish, they are well noted for their bright colors and nonaggressive demeanor. These reasons are what make Siamese fighting fish so idiot-proof and a great starting point for those just getting into the hobby. They also have a unique niche, allowing them to be used in many combinations of tank conditions. Platies are live-bearing, which means they can give birth in a tank; this is very fun and interesting to observe. Boisterous Behavior & Playfulness: They are mischievous little creatures and can always be seen moving about actively in a community tank.
Feeding platies Platies are omnivores, eating a mix of food that is generally derived from the water or that falls into it. It is recommended to give them a balanced diet as part of the motivation process. Furthermore, over the years, platies will live in a well-maintained tank that has an adequate amount of plants and good hiding spots.
In general, a platyfish is a good option for any community tank and can add beautiful colors to your aquarium. Remember, no matter how gentle they might be thought to be (or actually are), it pays to do your homework and talk with seasoned aquarists or professional friends before innocently plopping platies in your tank.
10. Cherry Barb
Cherry Barb are currently a staple in the aquarium hobby because of their bold colors and peaceful nature. They are lovely options for community tanks, as they live friendly with many other fish species. Additionally, their beautiful red and gold color design adds a nice touch of decor to any aquarium. Cherry Barbs are one of the most low-maintenance fish and can thrive in various water parameters, making them an ideal specimen if you have just begun your journey in fishkeeping. They are omnivorous and will accept a variety of foods, from flakes to pellets to live or frozen foods.
Therefore, a balanced diet is best for maintaining their health or vibrancy. BS does well in a well-planted tank with some hiding spots. In the end, Cherry Barbs are attractive and easy to care for this type of fish that will certainly liven up any container. As with any fish species, please seek advice from experienced aquarists or professionals to ensure you can adequately care for Cherry Barbs before introducing them into your tank.
11. Rosy Barb
Although slightly more active and aggressive, Rosy Barbs are a great addition to community fish tank settings because of their vibrant colorations. These bright pink and red colors are perfect for adding to your aquarium. They are also very peaceful but can be kept with most other species. Rosy Barbs are an excellent choice if you are a beginner, as they can live in quite a wide range of waters. They are omnivorous and can be fed flake, pellet, or frozen/live cuisine.
They require a nutritious diet meant to keep them healthy and colorful. Roys Barbs do best in a planted tank with some hiding spots. So, in conclusion, Rosy Barbs are excellent fish that add vitality and color to any tank. Like all fish species, you should consult experienced aquarists or professionals to learn how best to care for Rosy Barbs before purchasing them for your tank.
12. Clown Loach
It is one of the most popular and brightly colored fish found in many home aquariums. Characterized by playful behavior and, of course, their blaze orange coloring with contrasting black stripes. Being active swimmers, they need at least a 20-gallon tank to roam independently. Clown Loaches are friendly fish that will be peaceful with many other tankmates. The Horseface Loach is an omnivore, and it should be fed a stable diet of high-quality flake, pellets, as well as foods that are live or frozen.
One thing to note about these fish is their water conditions, and they prefer a well-filtered tank for health and welfare. Furthermore, giving them innumerable hiding places and decorations will establish a befitting and practicing place for them! Ultimately, Clown Loaches are colorful and comical fish that can live well in a properly maintained tank. Like all the fish species, it is advisable to go through complete research and take advice from the people who already maintain fish so that they can help you out in a better way of care.
13. Kuhli Loach
Kuhli Loach adds an unique and intriguing fish to a tank. This includes their eel-like movement and timidity, making them an excellent tankmate for numerous other fish species. They need a clean room with enough hiding spaces, and the tank floor should be kept soft so they can burrow in it. Kuhli loaches are nocturnal fish. Feed them fresh or frozen food and give them freeze-dried or live blackworms as a diet.
You should always watch the water conditions in their tank and have a sound, effective filtration system to keep them healthy. When maintained appropriately, Kuhli Loaches are a unique addition to an aquarium. Still, the above is just skimming the surface regarding their care and best practices, which you should always look into before getting any new type of fish.
14. Bristlenose Pleco
The Bristlenose Pleco is an all-time favorite and a helpful complement to every aquarium. They are also algae eaters, which is good for the balance of dead organic, biological, and nutrient waste in your tank. Their tank needs to be adequately maintained with ample cover and plenty of driftwood for foraging. You may choose them for a community tank because they are such peaceful fish and can live with many other species.
They should consume algae wafers, some kinds of fresh vegetables (zucchinis or cucumbers), and other treats from time to time, such as brine shrimp. The water quality must be reasonable and have the proper filtration to keep them healthy. While adding Bristlenose Plecos will help keep your tank spic and span, research thoroughly and bounce this idea with existing fish keepers before adding them to your home.
15. Dwarf Gourami
Dwarf Gourami adds more color to any peaceful community tank. They are colorful and exhibit exciting behavior, which has helped with their popularity within the freshwater aquarium hobby. Dwarf Gouramis are also not very hard to care for and can coexist with other peaceful fish species. Then, they will require frequent hiding spots and a well-planted tank to feel safe.
Being an omnivorous species, you will need to offer your Silver Zareh a range of high-quality flake and pellet foods and frozen or live foods as a treat. To keep Dwarf Gouramis alive and well, you must prevent the tank from being crowded and secure good water quality. Their compatibility needs to be researched, so speak with other fish enthusiasts before bringing any sucker-mouth catfish into your tank.
16. Pearl Gourami
Pearl Gourami makes great and peaceful community tank fish. Their awesome iridescent colors and calm behavior are excellent selections for freshwater aquariums. Pearl Gouramis have a beautiful, quiet movement and can be kept with many other well-tempered fish. Due to this, you must pack your tank with lots of plants and hideaways to make them feel secure.
Omnivores should be given a steady diet of high-quality flake, shell, and live or frozen foods. Proper water quality and space in the aquarium are also critical to the health of Pearl Gouramis. Always research as much as possible and talk to other fish keepers about the species you want to add to your aquarium.
17. Ram Cichlid
Due to their bright colors and docile temperament, Siamese fighting fish are a favorite among freshwater aquarium hobbyists. They have a unique, glowing electric blue and gold pigmentation, which makes them a beautiful tank element. They need warm water and are best kept in a cycled, well-kept aquarium with many hiding spots and plants.
Feeding them high-quality flakes, pellets, and some frozen food is necessary to keep them healthy. In addition, it is also highly vital that Cichlids are never kept in overstocked tanks and healthy water conditions are maintained for the overall well-being of Ram Cichlids. Before adding these guys to your aquarium, always research and talk to experienced fish keepers.
18. Electric Blue Acara
You are a beautiful and very promising freshwater aquarium fan. They make great community tank residents with their signature electric blue coloring and peaceful behavior. Electric Blue Acaras do well in a well-kept and are ideal for the cycle aquarium that has lots of hiding places and live plants. In the home aquarium, you should offer them a mix of high-quality flake/pellet foods and frozen meaty items to keep them in good health.
On top of this, water quality should be kept sound, and the tank should not be overcrowded — if you achieve this, your Electric Blue Acaras will likely thrive well. You will need to research and consult with more experienced fish keepers before adding them to your tank.
19. German Blue Ram
German blue rams, such as Gouramis, are a favorite of freshwater aquarists. With their vibrant blue and yellow colors, as well as their docile temperament, they bring a great deal of beauty to any community tank. German Blue Rams do well in aquariums with ample hiding locations, and plants kept clean and adequately cycled.
Since they are omnivorous, they need a balanced diet that includes quality flake, pellet, and frozen foods. Furthermore, maintaining water quality and not overcrowding the tank is essential for these German Blue Rams’ well-being. Before you put them in your tank, make sure to allow a location check and ask experienced fish keepers to ensure they are appropriate for your aquarium.
20. Bolivian Ram
Bolivian Ram are common species in freshwater aquariums, as they are easygoing fish. They are peaceful and exhibit a beautiful coloration, characteristic of virtually all the types. To thrive, the Bolivian Rams will need well-maintained and adequately cycled aquariums and hiding spots and plants. They should be given a broad diet (including high-quality flakes, pellets, and frozen foods) to prevent their health.
Healthy water quality and space requirements within the tank: Maintaining excellent water quality and not overcrowding the tank is critical for their overall health. The first crucial issue to consider when adding any fish species to your tank is the kind of research and guidance you seek from experienced fish keepers to know whether they are ideal for your aquarium.
21. Blood Parrot Cichlid
The blood parrot cichlids are an energetic and colorful addition to all freshwater aquariums. Fish lovers prefer them for their vibrant color and unique style it does have. Blood parrots are not your typical cichlid; they are playful and social fish, so they are still suitable even in community tanks. Please keep them in a clean and well-aquascaped aquarium with many hiding spots and decorations.
Please provide them with a diet of flake, pellets, and other high-quality staple foods to help them stay healthy and vibrant. Beyond that, when it comes to Blood Parrot Cichlids, standard water changes and water parameters checks are made for the health of the entire colony. It is essential to read much about them or consult more experienced fish catchers before introducing them into your tank.
22. Boesemani Rainbowfish
Boesemani Rainbowfish, instead, are beautiful, bright-colored fish to throw into your tank. They are colorful fish, usually Electric Blue in the background with yellow & orange colors included, making them a favorite for most hobbyists. They are peaceful, social fish and fit well in a community tank with other non-aggressive species. They can do better in captivity in a clean tank with open swimming space and planted areas.
You must feed them different types of high-quality flakes, pellets, and frozen foods to maintain their health and colors. Maintaining an optimum tank and replenishing water every few days is also very important in caring for the Boesemani Rainbowfish. Always do your homework and consult with fish keepers who have kept them before if you want to add them to your aquarium.
23. Cherry Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp are famous among fish keepers as they are one of the easiest to care for and have a very bright color (red). This is another peaceful, community-friendly shrimp that can live in a variety of conditions and will readily breed. These are perfect algae-eating; your Cherry Shrimp help keep the tank clean and balanced. You must ensure that they are given a lot of hiding spots, live plants, and a well-varied diet so they might grow healthfully.
Before bringing Cherry Shrimp into your fish container, it is vital to determine whether the dangers in your fish storage tank and its water criteria are appropriate for the shrimp. It is advisable to consult experts who have maintained several fish of this kind to avoid problems when Checherry shrimp in your aquarium.
24. Amano Shrimp
Amano Shrimp far and various eaters in our hobby. They are heavy algae eaters and efficient tank cleaners. They are peaceful shrimp that can live happily with fish or tank mates. A tank that is well maintained and has several hiding spots and live plants. You must feed them well and sustain their diet by keeping your tank water suitable.
Read and seek guidance from experienced fish keepers before adding Amano Shrimp to your tank, and see if these shrimp will function best with the rest of your fish. If well taken care of and considered, Amano Shrimp is an excellent way to help keep your tank clean.
25. Dwarf Crayfish
Take advice from people who have added Amano Shrimp to their tanks so you can get an excellent functioning system, too. Amano Shrimp- These are supreme algae eaters; they can clean up a tank. They are peaceful and can be kept with fish and other tank mates.
However, it is essential to keep the environment clean, with adequate caves for them to hide in and live in. Furthermore, a proper diet and water parameters are necessary to maintain their health. Through consultation and research, you will be guaranteed that Amano Shrimp is the perfect choice to raise in your fish tank.
26. Kribensis Cichlid
Before buying Kribensis Cichlids, you should research and consult with expert aquarists to ensure that you can provide them with a suitable environment and check if other fishes in the tank are compatible with these Kribensis Cichlids. The Krib, for sale, is an excellent beginner cichlid, as these Dwarf Cichlids are colorful, easy to sex with, don’t get overly large, and are known to be very peaceful cichlids.
They need a well-maintained aquarium with enough hiding spots and vegetation, along with suitable water conditions, to do well. You want to feed them a healthy diet and give them with the best living environment. Kribensis Cichlids Problems Nonetheless, with caution guidance, this downside could be minimized and even prevented from supplying a beautiful species in your aquarium.
27. Apistogramma
Apistogramma is immensely well-known to aquarium lovers because of its colorful colorful colors and uncommon behavior. If you observe Apistogramma in your tank, remember that they need correct filtration, hiding locations, and vegetation.
They have an excellent temperament and can live in harmony with other fish in an aquarium, but make sure to keep the ideal water conditions and give them proper feeding so they are healthy. If these guidelines are followed and advice is sought from experienced fish keepers, it will be great for you and your aquarium.
28. Keyhole Cichlid
Keyhole cichlids make an excellent addition to the aquarium because of their peaceful nature and distinctive patterning. They do well in tanks that are kept clean with plenty of caves and plants. Their health and well-being hinge on maintaining good water quality and a healthy diet.
Keyhole Cichlids are pretty docile and can live peacefully with many different fish. When taken care of properly, they can be a beautiful and enjoyable addition to your aquarium.
29. Green Terror Cichlid
Have one of the most beautiful and favorite patternings among all aquarium enthusiasts available. Although adding Green Terror Cichlids to your tank could be rewarding, it is an essential adventure to have a good environment and caves for hiding and swimming. Territorial, best kept with larger and more violent tank mates.
Proper water parameters are necessary when offering a suitable diet balance to keep them healthy and happy. Fish can help, but best of all, experience with fishkeeping and research will significantly reduce your chances of Green Terror Cichlid dying from too many errors when setting up the tank. Give them proper care, and they will give you a beautiful quirkiness in your tank.
30. Firemouth Cichlid | Best Freshwater Aquarium Fish
This is a favored selection for aquarium hobbyists due to their spectacular colors and fascinating habits. One of the main features of these cichlids is the fiery red color on their throat, which can be seen during mating or when threatened. If you are considering adding Firemouth Cichlids to your aquarium, remember that they need an extensive environment with lots of hiding places and swimming spaces.
If you have a heavily laden tank, they can show territorial behaviors, so it’s better to house with more extensive, more brutal tank mates. It is essential to keep up with appropriate water parameters and feed them an adequate diet so they can stay around for a long time. Firemouth Cichlids Care Advice From Experienced Fish Keepers, Also Always Good To Look It Up!! If you take the appropriate care in its placement and feeding, it can make a great addition to your fish tank.
Creating An Aquarium With Colorful Fish | The 30 Best Freshwater Aquarium Fish
Building a beautiful aquarium with vibrant fish is a splendid and rewarding activity. Well, this can be brought to reality by, for example, using fish species like Firemouth Cichlids and brightening up your tank with their colorful patterns. Moreover, natural plants and colorful decorations should be introduced to improve the aquarium’s appearance.
Remember to consider what fish will be compatible, and their habitat requirements will be met. Good lighting is also needed to bring out the beautiful colors of the fish, and filters will be required for maintaining water quality. If the aquarium is correctly set up and maintained, you can establish a visually attractive, colorful aquatic environment for yourself and your fish.
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Final Thoughts
In short, if you are considering adding Firemouth Cichlids to your aquarium, seeking advice from experienced fish keepers and doing proper research is necessary. Treat them well; they can make for a strikingly colorful addition to your tank. This can help improve the visual look of the tank but also give you and your fish some excitingly colorful surroundings.
Make sure to also consider the compatibility of fish species, several live plants, bright decorations, proper lighting, and good water quality for your fish to have an optimal appearance. All it takes is the love of the craft, and with a bit of care and sight for art, you can put together an enigmatic underwater setup.
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FAQs | Best Freshwater Aquarium Fish
Q: What work primarily amounts to bringing me in a direction toward my goals?
A: When searching for a job that aligns with your goals, concentrate on your strengths and interests. Find opportunities that will give you experience and help you develop the necessary skills for the job.
Q: Do You Need To Help Others Realize Their Goals?
A: Absolutely. You can establish an informal network of people dedicated to helping everyone advance by supporting and working with one another. So, creating a support network helps not only the team but also the company.
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